Stan Meyer Dunebuggy Resonant Cavity VIC Controller - Kit

Stan Meyer Dunebuggy Resonant Cavity VIC Controller - Kit
Stan Meyer Dunebuggy Resonant Cavity VIC Controller - Kit Stan Meyer Dunebuggy Resonant Cavity VIC Controller - Kit Stan Meyer Dunebuggy Resonant Cavity VIC Controller - Kit
Availability: Out Of Stock
Price: $200.00

This Professional circuit board contains Stan's entire Resonant Cavity (VIC) Controller Circuit.

Includes: Stan's Gated Pulse Frequency Generator, Phase Lock Circuit, Resonant Scanning Circuit,
Variable Pulse Frequency Generator, Resonant Feedback Circuit and Cell Driver Circuit.
It is taken directly from one of the VIC unit cards. It was later installed in the dash of the dunebuggy.
Includes PCB and all needed components.
The only extra parts needed are: VIC coil, fuel cell and a 12V power source.
A map showing the connections and where to place the components is included.

This design constantly monitors the fuel cell and adjusts itself to stay in resonance.
It is the same circuit Stan used on the cells in his dunebuggy!

NOTE: This board operates as described and produces high voltage, but not gas (yet).
It is still experimental, but we will eventually get it working as described by Stan.
If you want something that will make HHO gas now, try Stan's 8xa board instead.
It makes lots of gas immediately!

Stan Meyer Discussing the Resonant Cavity Controller Operation

(7MB .FLV Video)

Stan Meyer, while in New Zealand, discusses the concepts behind the Dunebuggy resonant cavity controller circuit.
More specifically, the resonant scanning portion of the circuit. This is the same resonant cavity pcb circuit now
available. It constantly adjusts itself to the optimum frequency for the water cell and type of water that it is
filled with. As Stan explains, each type of water has a different 'tune-in' frequency. This is a small excerpt
from the full video which is available on two DVD discs. As always, Stan's concepts are very simple and all
comply with the existing laws of energy. It's so simple, people have had to get help to mess it up! It is
obvious that God helped Stan discover these concepts - He created the elements to begin with!
This system provides energy as well as purify the air while in operation.

Stan Meyer Resonant Cavity Controller In Action

(5MB .FLV Video)

This video shows Stan's brother, Steve Meyer, who designed the electronics on the project, running
his resonant cavity controller board and the corresponding waveform on the oscilloscope. Our board
generates the same waveform as shown in the video. Stan's dream is coming true - one step at a time!



 Frequently Asked Questions



Does This Produce HHO Gas?

A. This setup produces high voltage, but not any gas (yet). It is still experimental, but we will eventually get it working as described by Stan. If you want something that will make HHO gas right now, try Stan's 8xa board instead


Q. What kind of fuel cell can I use with it?

A. This is the circuit used in the dunebuggy, and it used tube cells exclusively. Stan had ten that ran the dunebuggy

Q. What kind of water do I use?

A. This setup can use any kind of water: ocean water, well water, tap water, distilled water, it doesn't matter. This circuit locks in to the dielectric property of water and splits it without using electrolysis



Q. What is the difference between this and the Mason Jars I see all around the internet?

A. Stan's setup is completely different that the prior art in many ways. Here are just a few:



  Traditional Electrolysis Stan's Technology

Current Draw
15+ Amps Per Mason Jar, Depending on Amount of Electrolyte


Requires Electrolytes Be Added To Water

Yes - Must add KoH, NaOH, Baking soda, or other caustic chemicals. Some chemicals can eat aluminum engine parts and create toxic gases No Additives required. Simply add tap water rain water or well water. No toxic gunk produced that must be disposed of

Lifetime of Fuel Cell's Metal Parts
Depends on temperature and current of cell. Metal parts eventually dissolve into liquid, creating a toxic slurry that requires special disposal. Dissolved elements include Chromium and others Depends on type of water used. Metal parts never dissolve into water, maintaining a clean liquid in the cell. If only natural water is used, Stan's tests show lifetime of cell parts is close to 10,000 Years
Requires a special coating or conditioning process
No No

Current / Voltage
Splits water using high current and low voltage Splits water using low current and high voltage

Temperature of Cell During Operation
Runs HOT, as current is high Runs cool ot the touch, as voltage potential does the work


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